
Setting admin corner "site"  

After we installations joomla, now we will setting our website with menu "site" at top admin site, there are Global Configurations, Language Manager,Preview, Statistic,Temmplate Manager,Trash Manager and User Manager. 1. Global Configurations, at Global Coniguration we can setting Site,locale,Content,informations about database,Server,metadata,mail,cache,statistic and SEQ if configurations.php can writable we can change Site name,offline massange,but if configurations.php unwritable we can't change.

2. Language Manager We can change language of our site, but we should install language,after we install we can choose other language, to change our site language,we can click new

3. Media Manager media manager one of facility at joomla to placed our picture will placement our website we can upload picture,journal,etc

4. Preview Menu preview use to see our site in new windows,inline and inline with positions after we edit.

5.Statistic at this menu we can search text

6.Template manager
Tempalte manager we can look site template,admin template and change modul positions of our site

7. Trash Manager Trash Manager is a place file - file delete,trash 8. User Manager All of user, we can delete user and make a new user


Sections and Categories  

Sections have categories, and categories have artikel


Installations CMS Joomla  

1.Now, after we install xampp server,we have to install Joomla, you can download at website joomla
2.After you have joomla installation
s,if this file zip,first you extract,file extract copy to : C/xampp/htdoc
3.Rename File extract
joomla, example : andy
4.Then open
your browser ( Opera,IE.netscape or Mozilla ) types at your browser : localhost/andy
5.At your browser now there are localhost/andy

6.Accept instructio
7.Picture one is general licences of GNU/GPL Licences, klik next

8. Step 1,Host name : localhost, My SQL Username : root, MY SQL database you can give name you like.and install sample data then next

9. Step 2, you give name your website

10.Step 3, your email, and change password, don't forget give a password you can remember easily.then next

12.And end step you can se
e a top site : view Site and Administration, before it you have to delete file installations at C/xampp/htdoc/andy/

13.Now at your browser : lo
calhost/andy, you can see your website first before you change or setting


Before Installations CMS Joomla  

1.We need Xampp server

2.To can get xammp server,we can download and install

3.If you use Operating System Windows, you can install Xampp, download at :

4.If you use Operating System Linux, install apache, php dan MYSQL or Download Xampp for Linux


Design Web with joomla at localhost  

Design a website is my hobby, I like HTML, PHP and MYSQL, Website is one of way to promotions our product,with website we can promotions,upload our picture,
sent a informations, comunications with our visitor andy many more....Design website and make website with Content Manajement System Joomla interested, We
can setting our need,install template, making a discussions.
Now, to Build and Make Website with joomla at localhost, we need xampp, Installations Joomla, several template, modul and a picture to header a website to change
header template.Template, modul and component we can download in internet and install at joomla.


Website with CMS can use for  

We can use website with CMS for :

1. Personal Website

2. Firm website
3. Community
4. Photo Gallery
5. Forum
6. Applications
7. School or a educate institutions
8. etc


Background of Content Manajement System (CMS)  

About Twenty years ago,people still used HTML to made a website,causing now people use CMS are

1.They have Website with HTML and PIcture only
2.Cost to make a website is expensive
3.Update a website is difficult
4.They want setting and make a website easly


Definitions Of CMS  

CMS ( Content Manajement System ) is A system give easy to user in setting and make a change content a dynamis website
without before a administrator have knowladge about website.

Adventages design Website with CMS, it's give us easy for

1.Data Manajement
2.Setting Life Syklus a website
3.Have templateMendukung Web Templating
4.Private and Personalitations